Neovim Tutorial
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🚀 Getting Started | LazyVim
Top Neovim Colorschemes in 2025
1. LazyVim
- A modular, highly optimized Neovim configuration based on the lazy.nvim plugin manager.
- Features: Preconfigured plugins, IDE-like setup, and easy customization.
- 🔗 GitHub: LazyVim
2. NvChad
- A lightweight, minimal, and fast Neovim configuration with Lua-based setup.
- Features: UI enhancements, preconfigured LSP support, and treesitter integration.
- 🔗 GitHub: NvChad
3. AstroNvim
- A fully extensible and feature-rich Neovim framework with great defaults.
- Features: Mason integration, auto-completion, debugging, and treesitter out of the box.
- 🔗 GitHub: AstroNvim
4. LunarVim
- An IDE-like Neovim distribution with a strong focus on LSP support.
- Features: Treesitter, autocompletion, and DAP (Debugger Adapter Protocol) preconfigured.
- 🔗 GitHub: LunarVim
5. Kickstart.nvim
- A minimal yet powerful Neovim setup designed for easy modification and learning.
- Features: Simple structure with essential plugins like LSP, treesitter, and telescope.
- 🔗 GitHub: Kickstart.nvim
6. SpaceVim
- A Vim distribution inspired by Spacemacs, offering an opinionated configuration.
- Features: Layer-based configuration, IDE-like behavior, and language-specific optimizations.
- 🔗 GitHub: SpaceVim
7. ONI (OniVim 2)
- A GUI-driven Neovim setup that blends VSCode features with Vim efficiency.
- Features: Inline LSP support, rich UI, and easy extensibility.
- 🔗 Website: OniVim
8. Neovide
- A Neovim front-end GUI with smooth animations and modern UI enhancements.
- Features: GPU-rendered, cross-platform support, and ligature support.
- 🔗 GitHub: Neovide
1. Install Prerequisites
Before installing LazyVim, you need to install Neovim, Git, and a Nerd Font.
- Install Neovim:
- Download the latest Neovim from Neovim Releases.
- Extract it to
C:\\Program Files\\Neovim\\
or use the Windows installer.
- Install Git:
- Install a Nerd Font (for icons to display properly):
- Download a Nerd Font from Nerd Fonts and set it as the terminal font.
- Add Neovim to Path (if needed):
- Open System Properties → Environment Variables.
- Add
C:\\Program Files\\Neovim\\bin
to the Path
2. Install LazyVim
Once Neovim and the required tools are installed, follow these steps to install LazyVim:
git clone <> ~/.config/nvim
For Windows, use:
git clone <> $env:LOCALAPPDATA\\nvim
3. Open Neovim
LazyVim will automatically install all required plugins.
4. Verify Installation
Inside Neovim, check if LazyVim is installed properly by running:
If the Lazy.nvim plugin manager opens, your setup is successful! 🚀
Install Homebrew (if not installed):
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL <>)"
Install Neovim:
brew install neovim
Install Git:
brew install git
Install a Nerd Font:
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-hack-nerd-font
Linux (Ubuntu-based)
Install Neovim:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y neovim
Install Git:
sudo apt install -y git
Install a Nerd Font:
sudo apt install fonts-firacode
How to Install NvChad on Windows, macOS, and Linux
NvChad is a feature-rich Neovim configuration that enhances the default experience with modern plugins and themes. Below are the step-by-step instructions to install it on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
1. Install Prerequisites
- Install Neovim
- Download the latest Neovim from Neovim Releases.
- Extract it to
C:\\Program Files\\Neovim\\
or use the installer.
- Ensure
C:\\Program Files\\Neovim\\bin
is added to the Path environment variable.
- Install Git
- Install a Nerd Font (for proper UI icons)
- Download a Nerd Font from Nerd Fonts.
- Set the font in your terminal (Windows Terminal, Alacritty, etc.).
Install Homebrew (if not already installed):
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL <>)"
Install Neovim:
brew install neovim
Install Git:
brew install git
Install a Nerd Font:
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-hack-nerd-font
Linux (Ubuntu-based)
- Install Neovim:
- Install Git:
- Install a Nerd Font:
2. Install NvChad
Once Neovim and the required tools are installed, run the following command:
git clone <> ~/.config/nvim --depth 1
For Windows, use:
git clone <> $env:LOCALAPPDATA\\nvim --depth 1
How To Execute Python Program in Neovim
To create a file for Neovim and execute it in the Windows Terminal:
- Open Neovim:
Open Neovim in the Windows Terminal by typing:
- Create a Python File:
In Neovim, type the following to create a new Python file:
- Write Your Code:
Add your Python code to the file, for example:
- Save the File:
Save the file by pressing
- Execute the Python Script:
This will create and run your Python file using Neovim and the Windows Terminal.
How To Execute C++ Program in Neovim
To create a file for C++ in Neovim and execute it in the Windows Terminal:
- Open Neovim:
Open Neovim in the Windows Terminal:
- Create a C++ File:
In Neovim, create a new C++ file: